
Sanna Kallur om yoga

av Terese Alvén i kategorin Träning den

Sanna Kallur med team yogar. Bild: Nike.

Sanna Kallur med team yogar. Bild: Nike.

Sanna Kallur är en av mina största förebilder inom sportvärlden. Hon är grymt duktig men verkar samtidigt vara en otroligt ödmjuk person. Jag hade förmånen att träffa henne i våras och intervjua henne, det har ni läst om tidigare. Nu är Sanna reklamtjej för Nikes dynamic yoga training som går under några veckor på Sats. Jag har fortfarande inte hunnit testa klassen, men jag hoppas på att göra det snart. Hur som helst – jag fick tillgång till lite frågor och svar om yoga som Sanna har svarat på som jag fick publicera i bloggen. Så är du nyfiken på Sannas svar – läs detta (på engelska).

How often do you train per week?
Usually I train 9 or 10 times a week. It depends a little bit if I am in season or if I am in heavy training season but I think average 9 times a week.

What kind of training do you do?
It includes a lot of different things but mainly it is running, hurdling and a lot of different types of strength training.

Do you also use other sports as part of your training to get better in your own sport (boxing, running, yoga etc.)?
Sometimes I do yoga to complement my training. I like it because I feel much more flexible afterwards.

Since when do you do yoga?
First time I tried yoga was maybe 5 years ago.

Has yoga increased your flexibility and physical strength?
I like to do yoga because it makes me feel more flexible and also sprint and hurdles, the training I do is just building muscle and try to get really explosive so yoga is a really nice contrast to that to relax and calm down.

Does yoga help you to prevent or overcome injuries?
I think yoga can help me prevent injuries because if I stay flexible and relaxed and my muscles are really nice and smooth I think that can help prevent injuries.

What do you like most about yoga?
I think… When I am doing yoga properly and when I am going to a yoga class what I like most are the positions that are challenging the strength. I think that is the most fun, but I guess what I need most are the positions that help me get more flexible. But I don’t like them as much as the other ones.

Would you advice others to do yoga?
I would definitely advice other athletes to do yoga. I think it is a nice and relaxing complement to tough training.

What is important for a yoga outfit?
I do not really think about what I am wearing when I am doing yoga except that it needs to be really soft. It cannot be tight anywhere because it is hard to move.