Ibland får jag lite annorlunda meddelanden via Facebook:
”We’re looking for talents to participate in a new TV-reality show “World’s Hottest Trainers”.
We search for sporty females, 18-35 year old.
It will be filmed in September, 2010 on several tropical islands in Thailand. Girls from different countries will compete by demonstrating sensual workout routines (you can choose your favorite one, be it body-fitness, aerobics, yoga, dance, etc.)
All travel expenses will be paid, free accommodation and food will be provided, plus, each contestant receives $500 per week in cash (The filming will take 2-3 days per week. You’ll have to prepare and demonstrate seven 5-minute workouts.).”
Det skulle vara intressant att se programmet (om det är på riktigt och inget lurendrejeri), men jag är lite emot idéen om utseendefixeringen i tv-upplägget.